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Two preschoolers posing in front of a big inflatable golden bear holding a sign that says BECS 2024-2025
A photo of four young preschool students sitting on the edge of a mulch bed on the playground
A teacher and student sitting at a table doing an activity
A student listening to a teacher as she reads a book outloud
An image of students in bright t-shirts sliding down a big inflatable slide in the sunshine
A photo of preschool students posing with their teachers and the superintendent in front of a handprint mural of a fall tree on the glass windows
A student posing in front of a mural of koi fish and seaweed while holding a paint dabber in her hands
Two students posing for a photo on strider bikes outside


Welcome to Burbank Early Childhood School, proudly serving our youngest learners since 1983!

Every Student,
Every Step of the Way

Burbank Early Childhood School is where imagination is set free! Burbank houses two high-quality early childhood programs: an Early Intervention Program open to Upper Arlington residents ages 3 through kindergarten with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and a full-day, tuition-paying preschool available to residents and non-residents.

Burbank Early Childhood School

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A student listening to a teacher as she reads a book outloud

Uniquely Accomplished

Our Programs

Burbank offers an Early Intervention Program for Upper Arlington residents ages 3 to kindergarten with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) as well as a full-day, tuition-paying preschool open to residents and non-residents.

Peer Model Opportunities

Peer models are an essential part of Burbank's Early Intervention Program, serving as models and friends to students who have specialized learning needs. In order for children to become peer models, they must meet certain criteria. 

Enrichment Activities

Burbank believes in educating the whole child and recognizes the importance of providing children with unique opportunities to grow and learn through enrichment opportunities such as field trips, visits to our neighboring park and special visitors to the classroom.

Family Engagement

Burbank strives to create positive partnerships with families so that together we can help children reach their fullest potential. There are multiple ways for parents/guardians to be actively involved in the learning that is happening at school.